How to workout in a busy gym

If you’re at the gym during peak hours you know what it feels like to have to wait to use a certain piece of equipment. One thing that helps me is to think about other ways an exercise can be performed. I always go through the top 5 most common alternatives for my exercises.

  1. Barbell
  2. Dumbbell
  3. Kettle ball
  4. Cable
  5. Machine

First, identify what muscle you are targeting. Then, assign one of the 5 options based on availability.

For example, I usually do dumbbell overhead tricep extensions. If someone is using the dumbbell weight I need, I may turn to using a kettle ball, the cables, a machine, or a barbell.

Don’t let the schedule of the gym affect the schedule of your progress and be proactive!

Vulnerability in the Gym

Walking into the gym for the first time I was nervous. I was out of my comfort zone. I was a weak girl struggling to use 10lb weights next to men pumping 100lbs as a warm up. Then I remembered a TEDtalk my cousin told me about a few months back. It talked about the difference between vulnerability and shame. Shame being a bad thing, but vulnerability….vulnerability being a good thing. Why? Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and change. If you don’t put yourself out there feeling vulnerable, you won’t change your body and become stronger.

Challenge yourself. Be vulnerable. Change yourself.

Roosevelt once said “It is not the critic who counts, but the ability to fail greatly”. Think about the meaning of this quote and ask yourself who you would rather be… Here’s a link to the Ted talk if you’re interested in listening to the whole thing!:

Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | Talk Video | TED …

Motivation Monday: Personal Accomplishments

I saw this image this week on the Berry and thought it’d be perfect for motivation Monday! It’s hard not to compare yourself to others and think “I’m not as ___ as ____”. We all do it, and if you don’t….you’re lying. Kidding, because if you actually don’t that’s great! For the rest of us who are guilty of having thoughts like this let’s think of some ways to fix them.

The problem is these thoughts bring out only the positives in another person, and only the negatives with yourself. (Not fair!)

Let’s rephrase your thought process to make comparisons more beneficial.

Instead of saying: “Her body is so much better than mine, I’m so much less attractive” think: “Her body IS great, but I have so much to be happy with myself for”

Remember, working out is a way to thank your body, not to punish it for looking a certain way. So write down three things you’re happy with, and let that positivity guide your week! No more negative comparisons!

Bulu Box Review

I was lucky enough to receive a Bulu Box to review this month! I absolutely love subscription boxes I think they are so fun because it’s like a mini gift to yourself sent from above. The reason why I love Bulu box is because it customizes the box based on your goals. You get samples, leave a review for points, and then cash out your points for full size products of what you love! Imagine it’s a random Wednesday, and …… BAM now it’s your birthday and an excuse to open presents! Mariah and the Bulu Crew were nice enough to send a little card on top, which also held a present for you… She let me know all my readers could receive 3 months of Bulu Box for just $10 with the code “WONDERFUL”!! That’s like getting each one of these boxes for less than $3.50 (aka less than a Starbucks coffee!) Click over to the website to learn out more about Bulu Box. I absolutely love the concept, how you get to sample products chosen specifically FOR you, then YOU decide which ones you want to save your points for to potentially get for FREE. So let’s get to the goodies I got this month: My box came with 6 samples (these were not personalized for me as I got a generic box, but for the bodybuilding and fitness folks check out the site because they sample everything from Quest bars to Cellucor’s Alpha Aminos!!):

1. Infusion Youth Sciences: Stimulant Free Energy Vitamin Packs A great way to get in your vitamins and drink your water (#gallonchallenge)! There is no caffeine, which I love! I try to stay away from caffeine because a like to use pre-workouts a couple times a week and don’t like to put too much into my system. I got the tangerine blend flavor and it was so good!…I’m pretty lenient about my flavoring though since my mom used to scar me with hot airborne/dissoluble medicine whenever I got sick and I’m convinced nothing on the planet will ever taste as bad as that.

2. Innoveda Utrihelth It’s hard for me to review this product because I’d have to wait a month or so to see if it actually affected how I felt, so I will review the ingredients for you. These softgels contain: Asoka Tree Bark Extract, Shatavari Root Extract, Lodh Tree Leaf Extract, Ginger Rhizome Extract, Aloe Vera Dried Leaf Extract. Basically, these extracts should help reduce bleeding, cramps, and pains associated with menstruation. It should improve the health of the uterus and maintain hormonal balance. I would start taking this product a few days to a week before your period, and continue use throughout its duration. It should help combat emotional and physical discomfort! (And to the men- consider buying something like this to help control that roller coaster ride…yikes.)

3. Manitoba Hemp Hearts I was SO excited to get this. Hemp hearts are one of those super foods all over the health market boasted for their protein content, ideal ratio of omega 6s to omega 3s, and easy digestion. Really, there are SO many benefits of hemp hearts so I was so excited to try these. I sprinkled mine into my oatmeal, but you could add them to salads, yogurts, dressings, smoothies etc! Drop a comment if you’d like to learn more about the benefits of hemp hearts! (Ps they’re perfect for low carb diets)

4. 72% Cacao Nibmor Organic Mint Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate? YUM! This was such a delicious treat in my bulu box. Loved it!

5. Stinkbug Naturals Deodorant Cream I’m probably going to stick to regular deodorant on this one. However, if you are cognizant of the harmful chemicals and preservatives in modern beauty products and want a healthier alternative try out this brand!

6. PhysiQOL Natural Pain Relief I have yet to experience any pain to have to use this but the reviews on Bulu say people have had great success using this product for things like muscle soreness! Ibuprofen is often tough on the stomach so this is a great alternative!

Overall I was soo happy and excited to get a Bulu Box- I’m now off to customize my box for upcoming months!

Use code “WONDERFUL” to get 3 months of custom Bulu Box for just $10!

Motivation Monday: Something is better than nothing

Small successes should be celebrated.

It’s been two weeks since I started my program. I wasn’t strict about hitting my macros the first week which really delayed my progress. The second week I made sure to hit them more and I went up a little more than half a pound. I look the same basically so I won’t post progress pictures.

On one side, small progress is disappointing. You put in a lot of time and work, but don’t see the results you want to.

On the other side, you made progress! Yay for moving in the right direction, putting in good work and making some strides.

In the end, something is better than nothing. There is no failure in progress, no matter how small. A small success should be more motivation to move forward, because if you continue doing what you are, you will see the result you’d like. Being patient is annoying, but patience will get you to your goals.

This week don’t let’s focus on practicing patience. Be happy where you are now and be happy with the direction you’re going in. Embrace your journey and learn love every step!

Diet Myth: Don’t eat past 7pm

Once I stopped by my aunt Olga’s house (can you tell my family is Russian?) in the late afternoon to drop some things off. We started chatting and it was nearing 5:30. “Are you staying for dinner Dasha? I have to eat before 6pm, it’s this diet I’m on…I can’t eat anything past 6pm”…..

Have you heard of this “6/7/8/9pm diet”? Restricting you of when you have to stop eating for the day?

There is no scientific evidence that eating past a certain hour or at a certain hour will make you gain weight. Weight gain occurs when you eat in caloric surplus.

Ex. If my maintenance calories for the day was 2,000. It doesn’t matter if I ate 10 200 cal meals throughout the day, just in 2 meals, all at midnight, or all at 3:48pm.

There’s no point in changing when you eat, it’s about what you eat and how much of it.

I eat between 500-1000cals every day around midnight and don’t have any problems. Why? Because the time of day doesn’t matter.

Eating past a certain hour isn’t the problem, overeating is.

Is Lactose Free Milk Healthier than Regular?

When I was younger I had a lactose intolerance but thankfully it went away a few years after. Low and behold…it’s back. For the past year certain brands of dairy products, all cheese, and milk have given me extreme pains. It’s different for everyone but I experience sharp stabbing pains in the stomach for a few hours after consumption leaving me in an immobile state.

How is a lactose free made?

Any lactose free product is typically made simply by adding lactase enzymes to break down the lactose and make it easier for the body to digest. Basically, instead of taking a lactose pill before you eat dairy it’s already been put into the product.

Is Lactaid healthier than regular milk?

Lactaid 1%: 110 cals 2.5F (1.5SF) 13C 8P
Regular 1%: 110 cals 2.5F (1.5SF) 13C 8P

Basically…it’s the same thing.

However, there are some brands that have better macros than the rest. Here is one brand I’ve recently found that is lactose free and has great macros:

Fairlife 2%: 120 cals 4.5F (4SF) 6C 13P
Fairlife FatFree: 80 cals 0F 6C 13P

I’ve never actually tried this milk, but I’m planning on it! Has anyone else tried this brand?

Click here to learn more about dairy free options


Dress for Success At the Gym

One thing you may not have noticed is that the cardio section of the gym often doesn’t have mirrors where are the lifting area is surrounded by them.

Why? Because no one wants to watch themselves do cardio…it’s bad enough already.

Just kidding, it’s because when lifting weights the number one rule to prevent injury is proper form. Thus, it’s actually important to be looking at yourself.

Whether doing cardio or lifting weights I always feel more motivated in a great outfit. When I look good, I feel good, and I perform better.

I can’t remember the last time I wore an ill fitting cotton tee and baggy sweatpants to the gym. Now I’m not saying women should dress in all spandex and men should wear tight muscle tees.

What I am saying is wear something that makes you feel good. That’s all.

For me that includes some Lululemon or Nike apparel. I like to wear tighter clothes because I don’t always like my clothes moving up or down if I start jumping or doing pushups/crunches. I’ve really become quite picky honestly.

Do you dress for success at the gym?

How do I start lifting?

Getting Comfortable with the Weight Room: Beginner Feelings


When I first started lifting I couldn’t help but feel awkward in the weight room. It’s hard for a female to make the transition to the weight room. You’re surrounded by testosterone and might be feeling a little lost or intimidated.

The hardest part for me was struggling to lift 15 lb dumbbells for my shoulder press next to a guy breezing through 65 lbs.

I don’t think anyone likes to feel weak. However, there are 3 main things that got me through the weight room:

1) Dress to Impress: Mirrors surround the weight room…you’re going to be looking at yourself whether you like it or not. Looking good will motivate you to do better.

2) Ask for Help: Confidence is Key. I know I’m a beginner and could be doing it wrong. Ask for help and show that you’re just as determined to reach your fitness goals as anyone else.

3) Be Determined: Use any feelings of weakness to fuel your training. You WILL get stronger. You WILL get better. Just stay determined.

Go ahead and get in there! You can do it!

Do you remember your first day in the weight room? What was it like?