

Welcome! My name is Dasha and I’m a 21 yr old college student from Boston, MA.

I’m currently studying to become a NASM certified personal trainer. I genuinely want to help people find balance and overcome insecurities with themselves in order to live a healthier life. Learning to become comfortable with your body is not an easy task, but I want to help you realize the power of confidence and help you towards a path of overall happiness.

With this blog my goal is to empower people, help them show their strength, and inspire others to take their health into their own hands. Listen to and find balance with your mind and body. Do what feels right to you and what makes you happy. Don’t compare yourself to others, but compare yourself to your past and take every chance you get to make you even better.

Just strive to be better than who you were yesterday.

I love scouring the internet and learning new things. I’m always googling topics I don’t know about so I’ll try to bring you the most upcoming scientific research! Along the way I’ll be sharing pictures, recipes, motivations, tips, reviews, and information on this blog!

More about my story…

I am a currently an undergraduate studying biology, but I have other passions like entrepreneurship and health! This summer I hope to become a certified personal trainer.

I was fairly athletic in high school. I danced for 12 yrs growing up and tried a bunch of sports like tennis, softball, volleyball, and lacrosse. I’m 5’4″ and I think I even went to basketball camp at one point…

Anyways, I stopped everything once I got to college. It left me with a void and I picked up a lot of unhealthy habits that led me to almost a 3 year battle to find myself mentally and physically.

Week 0 - Week 5

I finally went against all odds and found an unexpected plan that worked for me. I gained 8 lbs of muscle in the first 5 weeks and have been glowing ever since. Every day I’m growing to become stronger inside and out and I hope to help others do the same!

Email me at dashakobi@yahoo.com for any questions!

22 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey there,

    I really like your blog so far! You’ve got a great mix of posts and your tone is wonderfully readable and it’s really nice to see someone my own age talking about fitness especially someone who is focused on becoming fit instead of thin. It’s also really nice to see someone who basically did what I did which is danced as a child and then went through a period where they did very little physical activity before deciding to make the effort and get back in shape.
    Keep up the good work.


    1. Hi Carol! Thanks so much for your kind words 🙂 I’m glad to see you can relate, and I hope this blog is useful and helpful for you! Let me know if you have any specific questions!


      1. Well actually I could do with some advice. The gym I go to is near where my boyfriend lives, mostly because he was the one who encouraged me to join one and there isn’t a very good one anywhere near where I go to university. That means I only go once or twice a fortnight when I’m at home. However, in three weeks I finish uni and will be able to go more often. I was wondering if you’ve got any tips for someone trying to tone up tum, bum and thigh muscles and training for long distance.


  2. Really nice job! It’s nice to find another fitness blog that isn’t so hardcore, hopefully you know what I mean by that. Mine is similar. Good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hey Dasha! thanks for stopping by thefirst2hours! you are stinkin adorable and congrats on your fitness journey! in coming months i am going to initiate a fitness bloggers campaign/challenge/whatever you want to call it. i’ll reach out as i would love to have you be a part of it if you have an interest?!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you like it 🙂 Let me know if you ever need any tips, ideas, or would like to see something specifically on the blog! I’d love to help you with a nutrition/fitness plan if you ever need one 🙂


  4. It really sounds like you are on a great path. Introspection and personal growth are two components that help improve one’s health. It is obvious you are looking to share your knowledge to help others. Don’t ever lose that quality. Through life’s up and downs (aka stressful times) stay grounded and focus on your passions in life. You will not only get through these difficulties, they will help you thrive as a person.
    I’m glad you enjoyed my article called, “Exercise, The Love/Hate Relationship. I like to write about important but sometimes controversial subjects for public awareness. I also like to help people motivate themselves. I think you might find it interesting. Feel free to add a comment to any story if so moved to do so.
    Stay healthy and happy


  5. Wauw, I’m actually glad someone with a body like yours liked my post 😉 I hope I can learn something from your blog 🙂 Thank you for dropping by

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Dasha,

    Nice blog! Really like the layout and your motivation for blogging! I’m also a college student 22 in Omaha and am into the health sciences. Just graduated with a Chemistry degree, bio minor and am going into clinical anatomy before medical school. I would love to share some of your recipes on my blog with credit to you of course (I am also looking for like-minded blogger friends)! I also wanted to ask if you could spend a bit of time on my site to check out a health shake that I have. I am dedicated to the health of my patients so I want your opinion on it as well. Good luck on your goals as a fitness trainer, any path in health/medicine is a tough one!



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